OASIS Aesthetics Clinic


Hair | Skin & Laser

Hair loss in women

Hair loss has emerged as a widespread issue affecting both men and women, transcending age groups and demographics. While traditionally associated with men, hair loss in women presents its own set of challenges and nuances.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women:
Unlike men, women may experience hair loss due to a variety of factors unique to their physiology:

Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in hormone levels, often manifesting as irregular menstrual cycles, can contribute to hair loss in women.
Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can trigger hair loss, ranging from mild to excessive shedding.
Dietary Deficiencies: Inadequate protein intake can lead to hair loss among women.
Stress: Emotional stressors such as work pressure or family issues can exacerbate hair loss in women.
Environmental Factors: Exposure to elements like excessive sun, pollution, and dust can also play a role in hair loss, particularly in urban environments.
Genetic Predisposition: Genetic factors, including family history of baldness, can predispose women to hair loss.
Diseases: Certain medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or infections like typhoid can precipitate acute hair loss in women.
Signs of Hair Loss in Women:
Hair loss in women may manifest through various signs, including:

Telogen Effluvium: Sudden onset of significant hair shedding over the past 1-3 months, resulting in decreased hair density.
Traction Alopecia: Hair loss caused by hairstyles that exert constant tension on the scalp.
Alopecia Areata: A condition characterized by patchy hair loss, which can progress to complete baldness.
Thinning Hair: Gradual reduction in hair thickness, particularly noticeable along the hairline.
Patterned Female Baldness: Hair loss in women often begins at the central scalp, leading to diffuse thinning.
Prevention of Hair Loss in Women:
While some factors contributing to hair loss may be beyond control, women can take proactive steps to mitigate the risk:

Balanced Diet: Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins and proteins is crucial for maintaining healthy hair.
Moderate Use of Hair Products: Avoid excessive use of hair products and opt for high-quality options.
Hair Protection: Shield hair from environmental pollutants by covering it when outdoors.
Pregnancy Care: Pregnant women should pay attention to their diet to ensure proper protein and nutrient intake.
Avoidance of Hair Oil Application: Excessive application of hair oil may exacerbate hair loss.
Regular Shampooing: Frequent shampooing can help maintain scalp hygiene and prevent hair loss.
Treatment of Hair Loss in Women at Oasis:
At Oasis, we offer a range of treatment options tailored to address the unique needs of women experiencing hair loss:

Medications: Antiandrogen medicines and hair mineral supplements are prescribed to halt the hair loss process, while minoxidil and growth-promoting peptides stimulate hair growth.
Non-Surgical Modalities: Minimally invasive procedures performed under local anesthesia include Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and microneedling.

Why Choose Oasis:
At Oasis, we prioritize personalized treatment tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Our experienced experts conduct thorough consultations and examinations to determine the most suitable approach for addressing hair loss in women. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to patient satisfaction, Oasis ensures optimal results with minimal risk of side effects. Book your appointment with Oasis today to embark on your journey towards healthier, fuller hair.